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  • rogersacademy22@gmail.com

Computer Lab

This segment of the syllabus is totally practical oriented. The accent is on acquiring basic programming skills quickly and efficiently. 

Programming Assignments (Class X) 
The students should complete a minimum of 20 laboratory assignments during the whole year to reinforce the concepts studied in class. 

Suggested list of Assignments: 
The laboratory assignments will form the bulk of the course. Good assignments should have problems which require design, implementation and testing. They should also embody one or more concepts that have been discussed in the theory class. A significant proportion of the time has to be spent in the laboratory. Computing can only be learnt by doing. 

The teacher-in-charge should maintain a record of all the assignments done by the student throughout the year and give it due credit at the time of cumulative evaluation at the end of the year. 

Some sample problems are given below as examples. The problems are of varying levels of difficulty: 

  1. User defined methods
    1. Programs depicting the concept of pure, impure, static, non- static methods. 
    2. Programs based on overloaded methods
    3. Programs involving data members, member methods invoking the methods with respect to the object created. 
  2. Constructors 
    1. Programs based on different types of constructors mentioned in the scope of the syllabus. 
    2. Programs / outputs based on constructor overloading
  3. Library classes 
    1. Outputs based on all the methods mentioned in the scope of the syllabus. 
    2. Programs to check whether a given character is an uppercase/ lowercase / digit etc. 
  4. Encapsulation 
    Questions based on identifying the different variables like local, instance, arguments, private, public, class variable etc. 
  5. Arrays 
    1. Programs based on accessing the elements of an array. 
    2. Programs based on sort techniques mentioned in the scope of the syllabus. 
    3. Programs based on search techniques mentioned in the scope of the syllabus. 
  6. String handling 
    1. Outputs based on all the string methods mentioned in the scope of the syllabus. 
    2. Programs based on extracting the characters from a given string and manipulating the same. 
    3. Palindrome string, pig Latin, alphabetical order of characters, etc.

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